The following public records have been transferred to the The Provincial Archives of Åland by authonomy authorities and municipal authorities of Åland in 2024:
City of Mariehamn. Coat of arms, 3 framed pieces.
Landskapets fastighetsverk (Åland Property Office). Property documents, 0.1 running meters.
Landskapsalarmcentralen (The Provincial Alarm Centre). Forest fire warnings, 1 binder.
Åland's Cultural Delegation. Stipend applications, 1.22 running meters.
Ålands arbetsmarknads- och studieservicemyndighet (The Åland Labour Market and Student Service Authority). Student support documents, 0.5 running meters.
Ålands lagting (Parliament of Åland). Director's notes, 0.14 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Administrative Affairs, Registrar's Office. Case files, 15 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Education and Culture, General Office. Letters, minutes etc., 0.4 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Finance, Salary Office. Salary files, 3.3 running meters.
Ålands miljö- och hälsoskyddsmyndighet (Åland's Environmental and Health Protection Authority). Case files, 3.6 running meters.
The following public records have been transferred to the The Provincial Archives of Åland by authonomy authorities and municipal authorities of Åland in 2023:
City of Mariehamn. Photographs, 1.5 running meters.
Fordonsmyndigheten (Motor Vehicle Office). Car documents, ca. 39 running meters. Driving license applications, 0.9 running meters.
Jomala municipality, Vikingaåsen school. Registers, minutes, documents, bookkeeping etc., 4 running meters.
Landskapets fastighetsverk (Åland Property Office). Contracts, 5 binders
Mariehamn's Customs House (Mariehamns tullkammare). Documents, 12 running meters.
Statens ämbetsverk på Åland (The State Department of Åland). Civil registries and family records, 3 boxes.
Sund municipality. Documents, 5.5 running meters.
Södra Ålands utbildningsdistrikt (Southern Ålands Educational District). Minutes, bookkeeping etc. 10.5 running meters.
Ålands arbetsmarknads- och studieservicemyndighet (The Åland Labour Market and Student Service Authority). Student support documents, 0.4 running meters. Housing supplements, 0.025 running meters.
Ålands fiskevårdscentrum Guttorp (Åland's Fish Care Centre). Journals, logbooks etc. 2.7 running meters.
Ålands kulturdelegation (Culture Delegation of Åland). Stipend applications, 0.08 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Administrative Affairs, Building Agency. Blueprints, documents etc., 0.17 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Administrative Affairs, General Office. Copies of outgoing letters, minutes, 0.65 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Education and Culture, Office for Culture. Minutes, one binder.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Education and Culture, Museum Agency, Marine Archeologist. Documents, 0.5 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Education and Culture, Project Åland 100. Project documentation, 0.5 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Finance. Salary records, 3.3 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Infrastructure. Copies of letters, 0.7 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Industry and Trade, Office for Agriculture. Documents, 1.5 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Industry and Trade, Forestry Agency. Documents, 4 running meters.
Ålands landskapsregering, Department for Social Affairs and Environment, Environmental Office. Water samples, 2.5 running meters.
Ålands miljö- och hälsoskyddsmyndighet (Åland's Environment and Health Protection Authority). Case files, 5 running meters.
Ålands omsorgsförbund k.f. Documents, 15 running meters.